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Definition: digital feudalism

The notion that people in developed countries such as the U.S. have become "serfs" in a feudal culture that pays homage to digital overlords such as Google, Amazon and Meta. Also called "technofeudalism," many feel this is today's capitalism. See Big Five.

We Are Gladly Serfs
We happily hand over our thoughts, beliefs and personal data because we love the convenience of the world at our fingertips and deliveries on our doorstep the next day. We give up privacy for convenience; however, the digital overlords must never forget they survive only because of us.

Long Before High Tech
Centuries ago, feudalism flourished on different continents in different ways, but it usually involved a hierarchy of nobility granting land and favors to peasants who worked to serve their masters.

We Are "Cloud Serfs"
In his 2024 book, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis says the traditional capitalist market is gone, and we are now serfs to our digital overlords.