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Redirected from: floating toolbar

Definition: toolbar

A row or column of on-screen buttons used to activate functions or change modes in an application. Many toolbars are customizable, letting users add and delete buttons as required. Toolbars may be fixed in position or float around the screen. For example, floating toolbars are common in graphics applications so they can be moved into the canvas area near the objects being worked on. See tool palette, taskbar, tool and toolkit.

Real Tools!
Most toolbar buttons display only icons such as these from VTEL's videoconferencing software. Some toolbars include text descriptions.

A Very Innovative Toolbar
The 2016 line of MacBook Pro laptops introduced an extremely useful touchscreen toolbar in place of physical function keys. Each application can display its most important functions for the entire app or change functions based on the process that is running. See MacBook. (Image courtesy of Apple Inc.)