File extensions that begin with S.
Ext. Type of file
SAM Ami Pro document
SAM Sample (text)
SAT ACIS 3D model
SAV Saved
SBF SoundFont 1.0
SBP IBM Storyboard graphics
SBP Superbase text
SC Paradox source code
SC? ColoRIX raster (?=res.)
SC2 Microsoft Schedule+ 7
SCD Microsoft Schedule+ 7
SCH Microsoft Schedule+ 1
SCM ScreenCam movie
SCP Dial-up Networking script
SCR Windows screen saver
SCR Generic script
SCR Fax image
SCR dBASE screen layout
SCT Lotus Manuscript text capture
SCT Scitex bitmap
SDL SmartDraw library
SDR SmartDraw vector graphics
SDT SmartDraw template
SEA Mac self-extracting archive
SED iExpress directive
SET Setup parameters
SF2 SoundFont 2.0
SFP LaserJet portrait font
SFL LaserJet landscape font
SFS PCL 5 scalable font
SGI SGI bitmap
SH Unix shell script
SHB Corel Show
SHG Segmented HyperGraphic (imagemap
for Windows help)
SHS OLE2 package
SHTML HTML page w/ server side functions
SHW Corel Show
SIS Symbian OS executable file
SIT Stuffit archive
SITX Stuffit X archive
SKR PGP secret key (secret keyring)
SLD AutoCAD slide
SLK SYLK format (spreadsheets)
SMI SMIL multimedia
SNAG Snagit capture (editable)
SND Digital audio
SOL Solidity program
SPC Software publisher certificate
SPD Speedo scalable font
SPL Shockwave Flash object
SRF Sony RAW photo format
SRT movie subtitles (SubRip, WebSRT)
STL Stereo lithography
STN Mediabin Sting format
STY Ventura Pub. style sheet
SUN Sun bitmap
SVG Scalable vector graphics (Web)
SVX Amiga sound
SWF Shockwave
SY3 Harvard Graphics symbol
SYL SYLK format (spreadsheets)
SYS DOS, OS/2 driver