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Definition: connected

Communicating to a mobile device or to the Internet or both. For example, a smartwatch communicates with its counterpart app in a smartphone via Bluetooth, which in turn accesses services on the Internet via cellular or Wi-Fi. Devices in the home are increasingly connected to users via Wi-Fi, the Internet and their smartphones, including security cameras, baby monitors, thermostats and door locks. In time, pundits expect nearly every physical device to be connected (see IoT and IPv6). See smart home, smart TV, connected camera, connected car and connected Blu-ray player.

A Connected Toothbrush
This Oral-B toothbrush connects to an app in the user's smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth to monitor brushing time and history.

I'm Having a Problem - Fix Me!
This Miele washing machine uses Wi-Fi to transmit alerts to the customer and its status to the company. If a problem occurs, it may trigger an order for a failing part.