A programming language that is one step away from machine language. Each assembly language statement is translated into a machine instruction by the assembler. Programmers must be well versed in the computer's architecture, and, undocumented assembly language programs are especially difficult to maintain, but so are all undocumented programs. Assembly languages are hardware dependent; there is a different one for each CPU series.
It Used to All Be Assembly Language
In the past, control programs (operating systems, database managers, etc.) and many applications were written in assembly language to maximize the machine's performance. Today, C/C++ is widely used instead. Like assembly language, C/C++ can manipulate the bits at the machine level, but it is also portable to different computer platforms. There are C/C++ compilers for almost all computers. See
Assembly Language vs. Machine Language
Although the terms are often used synonymously, assembly language and machine language are not the same. Assembly language is converted to machine language. For example, the assembly instruction
compare a,b might be translated into the machine instruciton
COMPARE the contents of bytes 32340-32350 with bytes 54567-54577 (where the data a and b happen to be located in RAM at the moment). The actual machine instruction is in a binary format specific to the computer it is running in. See
machine language and
machine instruction.
They Can Be Quite Different
Assembly languages are quite different between computers as is evident below, which takes 16 lines of code for the HP and 82 lines for the x86. This example changes Fahrenheit to Celsius.
HP 3000
intrinsic read,print,binary,ascii;
array buffer(0:17);
array string(0:3);
byte array b'string(*) = string;
integer ftemp, ctemp, len;
move buffer:= "Enter Fahrenheit ";
print (buffer,-30,%320);
len:=read (string,-4);
ftemp:= binary(b'string,len);
ctemp:= (ftemp-32) * 5 / 9;
len:= ascii(ctemp,1-,b'string);
move buffer:= "Celsius is ";
move buffer(14) := string, (-len);
print (buffer,-32,%0);
PC (Intel x86)
cseg segment para public 'CODE'
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
jmp start1
msgstr db 'Enter Fahrenheit '
crlf db 13,10,'$'
nine db 9
five db 5
outstr db 'Centrigrade is $'
start1: push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset cseg:msgstr
mov ah,9
int 21h
cent: call getnumb
test ax,ax
je exit
push ax
mov dx,offset cseg:outstr
mov ah,9
int 21h
pop ax
sub ax,32
jns c1
push ax
mov dl,'-'
mov ah,6
int 21h
pop ax
neg ax
cl: mul five
div nine
call putval
mov dx,offset cseg:crlf
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp sloop
exit: pop ds
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
xor bx,bx
llp: mov dl,0ffh
mov ah,1
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
je llr
sub al,'0'
jb llr
cmp al,'9'
ja llr
xor ah,ah
shl bx,1
add ax,bx
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
add bx,ax
jmp llp
llr: mov dx,offset cseg:crlf
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ax,bx
putval: xor bx,bx
push bx
mov bx,10
llg: xor dx,dx
div bx
add dx,'0'
push dx
test ax,ax
jne llg
bloop: pop dx
test dx,dx
je endx
mov ah,6
int 21h
jmp bloop
endx: ret
cseg ends
end start