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Definition: Apple Car

(1) For Apple's credit card, see Apple Card.

(2) A self-driving electric automobile from Apple, known as "Project Titan." With development beginning in 2014, the Apple Car was touted as the "ultimate mobile device." Names such as "iCar" and "Apple Cart" were tossed around. Rumored to be a Level 2 semiautonomous vehicle, details were expected in 2024. However, in February 2024, the details people did not expect were that Project Titan was being abandoned. At the end of 2023, the leftover inventory of unsold EVs was higher than expected.

Needless to Say
Over the years, Apple was in talks with Hyundai and other auto manufacturers to actually build the vehicle. Of course, if Apple ever added self-driving cars to its product line, that would be a game changer. See autonomous vehicle levels, CarPlay and self-driving car.