(Infrared Data Association, Walnut Creek, CA) A membership organization founded in 1993 for infrared transmission between computers. Requiring line-of-sight like a TV remote, devices could exchange data without cables. Although products such as the LaserJet 5P printer appeared with IrDA ports in the mid-1990s, IrDA gave way to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Speeds and Protocols
The IrDA Serial IR physical layer (IrDA-SIR) used a low-cost UART chip for a half-duplex 115.2 Kbps connection, while non-UART Fast Infrared (FIR) reached 4 Mbps. The HDLC-based Infrared Link Access Protocol (IrLAP) was the data link protocol, and handshaking and multiplexing were provided by the Infrared Link Management Protocol (IrLMP). See
HDLC and
data link protocol.